SUSHC Overview

The "sushc" program enables you to run a shell-script as a different one to the current one you are logged in as in a secure manner. For example, imagine you are running a script as follows as the user "transfer"...

# Shell script run as transfer

sushc oracle /home/oracle/ "$NEW_PASSWORD"

Then - in a script with a file name of "/home/oracle/" owned by the the user "oracle"...

# Shell script called by transfer to run as ORACLE dba
# To grant permission on "transfer" to run this using sushc:
# sushc -grant  transfer
# sushc -end
# Now to run something like this:

export PASSWORD="$1"        # Read parameter
. oraenv TRANSFER           # Set up ORACLE environment

# Prevent SQL injection
PASSWORD=`echo $PASSWORD | tr -d ";()'\"![:cntrl:]"`

sqlplus /nolog <<!
connect / as sysdba
spool /home/oracle/log/sqlscripts.log
alter user transfer identified by $PASSWORD;
spool off

The "sushc -grant transfer" line enables the user "transfer" to run this (as "oracle"), even in a comment like the above. Both this line and the "sushc -end" line are explained in detail in The Manual. Logo